Parent-Child Groups, Home Visits, Workshops, & Coaching…


RIE® Parent Infant Guidance Classes

RISE offers unique groups giving parents a special opportunity to relax, connect, observe and learn respectful parenting in a calm, non-judgmental environment where children are allowed to unfold in their own way, at their own pace. In these groups, parents learn new ways to support and interpret their child through sensitive observation. Groups are inspired by RIE®

Groups are a wonderful way to connect with other local families that share in a similar parenting style.  They are for children 3 months - 3 years of age, and when possible, are grouped based on child mobility.  Groups meet approximately once a week. Groups are designed to be on-going until the youngest turns 3. Go to RIE Parent-Infant Guidance Classes to learn more and register. Our facilitator will reach out to you to schedule your complimentary home visit. 

Groups are certified by Magda Gerber's RIE® and facilitated by RIE® Associate Shannon Carr, Owner of RISE.


Family Home Visits

Expecting a newborn? Is your toddler's journey towards independence got you baffled? Are you looking for some parental guidance or advice. RISE is here to help! RISE offers home visits to support your individual parenting needs. RISE strives to offer support that is respectful to all, based on trust, and encourages your child's authentic self. RISE approaches are inspired by RIE® 

Contact Us to inquire about a virtual home visit.


Looking for someone to speak at your next school event or professional development day? RISE provides active presentations on a number or topics that support early childhood best practices.

To inquire about a speaker for your school or office Connect with Us. You can also find a list of some of our classes and courses HERE!

RISE Coaching & Connection

Monthly Individual/Group Coaching
$87.00 every month

Want a partner on your journey as a parent or educator? RISE is here for you. We specialize in those early years. You are the expert with the children in your care. We simply partner with you to help you reach our goals, brainstorm with you through obstacles, and do this honoring respect, trust, authenticity, and without judgement.

In this package you receive one individual and group coaching session monthly. Each is 1-hour in length. The group coaching session is the third Wednesday of the month 6:30-7:30 p.m. Central Time, or a time that best works for the group.

Join Us

My hope is that all children are seen as whole people from the start with feelings, a purpose and a place at the table. In an early childhood program I want all staff, children and families to have a voice, be seen, heard and valued. If these are values you hold and would like to enhance I would love to come in and support your program. I provide onsite and virtual coaching to early childhood programs and in family homes. Please connect with me and see what we can built, enhance and create together or join our monthly individual/group coaching package!